Background Varification Services
Ready to Hire an Employee? Conduct an Employment Background Verification first!
There is always right time for you to hire a new employee. They show up in the interview well & also seemed top-notch in the interview, but you can’t leave it up to guesswork that they are the right hire for your company? Let’s not just trust your gut …before you communicate “You have been offered the position,” do conduct a background verification!
Background checks are an excellent way to verify that the selected candidate is an honest person. Employers know it takes time and money to train a new hire before deploying for a position. This training worth will become waste if you discover that the candidate you hired and trained is not right fit for your company.
Sabsoftzone offers Employment Background Verification Services including criminal records, employee driving records, Previous employment reference checks, employment credit reports and many more!
Background Verification seems to be the most difficult task when it comes to recruiting human resources for your company, most of the companies / Recruiters overlook this step. But conducting Background Verification is the most important step of any hiring process, which needs to be taken care with more critical /sensitively. After all, the hired employee will be representing the company both nationally and globally.
Sabsoftzone is one of the Best Employment Background Verification services in Delhi NCR, we offer best Employment Background Verification Services to the companies and help them grow with authentic and right candidate.
Therefore, a transparent, legal and quality check of background pertaining to each and every company is a must. Therefore, Sabsoftzone does the job for you and helps you in providing the best and secured background check of the human resources that matter to your company.
Employment background checks are essential not only for you as an employer but also for the reputation of your company as a whole. You might have heard the terms negligent hiring or due diligence.
Background Verification not only helps you give a positive lift in the working environment but also helps in working together unitedly. A healthy working environment and the employees are significant in terms of uplifting the company and making it touch the zenith of success.
Sabsoftzone is there for you not only in staffing the best employees but also providing you with the original and transparent background verification of the same so that there are no more complexities in the near future.
This Employment Background Verification package is one of our most comprehensive screening packages and can be customized as per the company’s requirement. Our general Employment Background Verification Package includes below Verifications:
Past Employment History Check
It is pertinent to know the professional history of the applicant you are investing in. Applicants may have provided an enhanced resume to uplift their image from past employment.
We verify the key employment parameters of the candidate such as tenure, the position held, the reason for leaving, compensation, etc. from the concerned departments of their previous employers.
Address Verification
Since most of our Identification documents and records are linked with an address, it is important for an organization to know whether their applicant resides in the provided address. We conduct physical in-person visits to the address(s) to confirm the domicile of the applicant.
Education Qualification Verification
It’s important for an organization to hire the right applicant with the right knowledge because an individual with a lack of formal education can adversely affect your processes and productivity.
In this service, we check the authenticity of the education certificates from the respective college/university to ascertain the genuineness as well as to ensure it fulfil requirements for the role.
Criminal Background Record Check
To keep the workplace violence free, it’s important to hire a candidate who comes with a clean criminal record. With the help of the Police Department and Criminal Lawyers, we thoroughly verify the existence of any criminal records pertaining to the applicant.
Sabsoftzone offer a professional & transparent Employment Background Verification in the interest of our client. We aim to help the company to acquire right hire/ authentic candidates. Our specialised and dedicated team is all set to work on your requirement!